I have been on progesterone injections since July 6th. Just wanted to update you on how things are going:
7/20/09 First blood draw I was low - 23.3 ng/mL zone 2 - nurse says Dr. Hilgers wants me to stay on 200mg injections 2xweek.
5/7/09 Second blood draw I was better at 43 ng/mL zone 4 - nurse called to say I could reduce the amount of injection to 1o0mg 2xweek.
I'll keep you posted on how I do. Its every two weeks that I have my blood taken. I have read some ladies talk about how painful the injections are. I dont think they hurt, maybe thats bc I was an ornery kid and got spankings :) - but to share some tips. George warms up the vial of meds by rolling it around between his hands. While he does that I ice my backside down. I almost dont feel the cotton ball swipe he uses to clean the area. Then after he gets the needle in I count off in 10 sec increments - it keeps me focused on something and him knowledgeable on how long it's taking. He goes nice and slow, very slow. Afterwards he rubs the area and we talk about the day. It doesn't hurt. But like I said, it could have been those spankings from those days I drove my mother nuts.
Other updates. The thing I did this cycle that was the most different, a couple girls have asked, was take the Fertile CM as DIRECTED. Previously, I was taking 3 pills all at once, two at a time, skipping even one a day. Directions say three times a day and plenty of water. My CM was way better this cycle.
I also started eating gluten free. While it only was a month, I was feeling a lot better. I dont attribute this change to as much as the Fertile CM. But it was something different.
Current status: I am soooooo sick. I am not even working anymore. Actually just PT from home (my boss is awesome and the rest of the staff understands). Some days I throw-up 4 times a day... others are better and worse. I have tried everything besides prescription drugs. It pretty much came on 100% on July 6th. So I've had a month to manage. I have lost 11lbs as of last Wednesday. Doc wasn't too concerned. However, he did say he wants to see me in three weeks instead of 4. Just to check on the weight. I'll start posting bell pictures soon.
The baby looks great. Last week we saw the heartbeat, arms, legs and facial bones. It was so surreal. Doc said everything was healthy.
Thank you for everyones well wishes. Our Catholic faith is so beautiful. It was because of my friend Mandy (who taught me Creighton in Fort Worth) that George and I brought this teaching into our marriage, that alerted me to signs that I was sick, that kept me focused on the bigger picture. This is Gods plan. If I wouldn't have known Creighton... none of this story would happen... if it wasn't for Dr. Hilgers I would still be back in my first OB's office frustrated.
Thanks for all your support. PS the only reason I waited so long to say something on this blog is bc people in town would have found out before I could tell my boss. Since I was so sick at work and he was on vacation, I wanted to make sure I could get to him at the right time. Now that work knows, I'll make sure to keep updates flowing....
Nicole, congratulations to you and your husband on the pregnancy! I am so thrilled for you!
May I ask what "Fertile CM" is? Is that something we can buy somewhere? Where do you get it?
Also is low CM and gluten allergies common in women with endometriosis? Just wondering. What are the symptons?
When you get a chance and are feeling better, I would LOVE to hear from you!
Your story is an encouragement and hope to me that maybe someday we will be blessed with a baby also. Like you, I have endometriosis stage four and I've had two surgeries so far. I just turned forty three though.
I pray your progesterone stays up and you feel better soon! You, baby, and husband will be in my thoughts and prayers! Please do keep us updated! You have a lot of friends who care about you including me!
May God Bless all three of you.
Your friend in Mass.,
LOL yikes my post signed in under my husband's name "Ed" and not mine. My husband doesn't even have a blog.
I'm the one who wrote the above post. I'm Maria from "Hail Mary Full Of Grace" blog.
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