
Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby Pictures!

A couple of pictures from yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww! So sweet! Thanks for sharing!!!

WheelbarrowRider said...

Incredible! Is that 3-d? It is crazy clear!

Little Things said...

Hi, I am a lurker here, but I wanted to stop by and say, Congratulations! The pictures of your little one are absolutley beautiful!

I also wanted to chime in on one of your earlier posts about the Bradley Method of birthing. I have had two Bradley births and I LOVE the method! I highly recomend it! My second birth was difficult and I "should" have had a C-Section, but had a beautiful natural birth instead! It was wonderful! Let me know if you want any specific information or any questions. I would love to talk about it! :)

You will be in my prayers and thoughts during this beautiful special time! :)

Fertile Thoughts said...

I LOVE the pictures of your little baby! INCREDIBLE!!! (sp?) Anyways, I am just so impressed by those ultrasound pictures...I just had to show my Dh and he couldn't believe how clear we could see the baby.

Also, I am so happy to see that my SIL posted on here about the Bradley Meathod. I asked her last night to contact you because I know you're taking the classes and she has tons of experience and advice about that way of birthing if you're looking for any :)

I can't believ it is almonst time for baby's arrival. You better be posting pictures of everything afterwards!!!! Praying for you all!
Much love and prayers,

Jessica said...

Beautiful, Nicole! Those new ultrasounds are amazing. Thank you for sharing!

Joy Complete said...

What amazing photos. I love the first one! It is so cool that we can really see what babies look like in utero now.